Dear 2012:
You have been a bitch to me. At first, you
were nice. I pulled my grades up sky high, I became happy in a part-time
job, and I became a member of a great group at school where I went from provisional member to becoming an
officer. Then, the honeymoon came to an abrupt end, and you showed me
your true colors. You didn't want me to celebrate a big milestone in my
life, and I was denied the chance to kick a class in its
nuts. I did get some insight on it all, and gained a great friend who
witnessed all that I went through in your year. She held my hand,
helped dry my tears, and was there for me when I needed an empathetic ear at my
darkest moment. Through it all, I really found out who were my real friends, and who only came around when their so-called busy schedules allowed them to see me for only fifteen minutes.
2013 promises to become a great year for me,
something you wouldn't show me. No, I'm not getting engaged, married,
having a baby or getting involved in juvenile behavior. 2013 will allow
me to take the year by the cojones and I will celebrate big: releasing an eBook under a pseudonym, graduation,
small party, new school, new job that will lead into the career I want,
and a weekend trip I am taking solo. 2013 will allow me to overcome a
lot, and I won't get denied that chance anymore.
I'm going to
forget the bad shit that has happened in 2012 and only remember the
good. I'll take what I learned and apply it to 2013. No more will I sit on the sidelines of life. I will become a participant and live it up to the fullest!
Sharon Pearson