Wednesday, May 15, 2013

...And So It Begins

I've graduated! What's the Next Step?

May 2013 calendar from
Since graduating, I have given myself a challenge to complete during my job search: go to the interviews, thank the hiring managers for their time, and send them thank you cards.  I may have obtained an Associate of the Arts degree in Journalism from the community college system, it's not going to deter me from looking for work in this economy. I would like to try my hand at freelance writing.  I hear it's a way to build a portfolio for work in the communications field. Some of the writng assignments are paid, while other assignments are not paid.  Before I even sign up for freelance work, I'll do my research on each site.  The last thing I want to do is sign up for something without reading the very fine print with a magnifying glass.

While I Await Work...

I am working on adding more things to this blog, as I don't want it to look junky and not presentable to potential employers. A list of every social network I am on is not yet culled to showcase how I utilize each one for job search, play, and catching up with friends and family.  Once the stars align themselves properly, I can finally move on to a domain name and add a photo gallery. 

Lastly, I am still writing original short stories and poetry.  I haven't posted anything in a while, but I will have some new material posted on a later date.  The reasons why I write are many and would be the topic of another entry on here. 

For some of my poems, head over to Saturday's Poetic Expression
For a taste of my original short stories, go on over to Stories Space and look up ladysharon.