Sunday, March 17, 2013

Time for Spring

Calendar from
I have some great news: I am graduating from the community college system in May with honors and I'm finishing up all of my applications and other things I need to send off before April 1.  I'm also looking into a gig in freelance writing. I want to be sure it's a legit offer before I jump into something I know nothing about.  The last thing I want to do is pay out some money just to get something that's not to my liking. The freelance writing thing can lead to something new.

In addition to gaining a potentially new line of employment, a not-so-encouraging development occurred in my life: three of my ex-boyfriends have decided to contact me via Facebook and email.  I don't know what's in the water of the spring thaw, I'm wondering why now? I can sit here and speculate on their reasoning on why they're wanting to get back with me, or I can ask them directly.  One has a record that scares me, another likes to disappear and come back when he's bored, and the other one seems to be kicking himself for letting me go.  Oh well.

That's it for now.  I have to get back to studying.